
Read every week by fine folks at companies that include Apple, Boston Dynamics, and Meta, as well as an eclectic mix of dog walkers, musicians, diplomats, cyberpunks, and scoundrels.

For someone who regularly reads Reddit, the Verge and other tech blogs, it's legitimately impressive how much useful info and cool gadgets are in this weekly update. Things I never would have found on my own! - Carl B.
Products that I would most likely never have heard about, then finding they are MUST HAVES - Shirley P.
Excellent synopsis of cool life cultural artifacts to boost your mood on a Sunday evening - Joel M.
There's always something fun, useful and interesting in these great weekly issues! Hiro is a great curator! - Ben B.
Short, sweet, and one of the few newsletters I immediately open each week. - Kyle F.
Everything that Hiro shares is interesting and relevant. Even when it's stuff that I'm not familiar with, Hiro always makes it appealing. - Esteban U.

About the Curator


Hi there! I'm Hiro-- I'm an unabashed Apple nerd, semi-pro photographer, and health / mindfulness junky. I've lived on five continents, enjoy comic books, retro video games, studying ancient religions, and getting outdoors when it's not too hot in our hometown of Austin, TX. I'm also cursed with an incessant need to find the next cool app, the perfect addition to my everyday carry, or the right combination of fancy pen and paper that will make my note-taking experience complete. Most importantly of all, I'm married to the most amazing woman, and dad to two wild, big hearted kids.

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Jamie Larson