Affiliate Policy

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

I am very fortunate that I get to run this newsletter for fun, not profit. I exclusively share things that either I have personally used and really enjoyed, or that I've discovered and am genuinely excited/curious about. As of this writing, I don't have any sponsors, nor has any company provided their goods for free. If that changes, I'll make it very clear. No stealth sponsorships.

That said, I will occasionally use referral and affiliate links, especially if they get my readers some additional perk for trying out the things I'm recommending, but I will always highlight the fact that it is a special referral or affiliate link. When linking to Amazon products, I may (if I remember to do it) use an Affiliate link– As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you ever need a non-referral or non-affiliate version of a link, for any reason, just drop me a note and I'll do my best to help you out.

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Jamie Larson