
Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone is feeling recovered and rejuvenated from the holiday season. Here are a few fun things I was digging over the break--

  • 📱 GameBoy Wallpapers for iPhone - I love this pack of Gameboy-themed iPhone wallpapers. I've been rotating them out with these Teenage Engineering-themed wallpapers.
  • 🔀 Choosy App - A very niche but handy utility for the Mac, it lets you set up custom rules to decide what kind of links get opened in which browser. Example use case: I have Safari set-up as my default web browser, but there are some sites I know just don't work well in Safari, so I have any links that belong to those sites automatically routed to open in Arc Browser whenever I click on them.
  • 📖 The Obsessor - Former editor of TechCrunch, Matthew Panzarino, has long been one of my favorite writers to follow around the web. A true polymath, he dabbles in everything from tech to fashion, photography to cooking. He's recently launched his own blog where he can deep dive in to these various subjects, and I'm really digging it so far. Here's today's article on his perfect busy morning coffee making routine (I followed the same method back when I was drinking more than one cup per morning-- it's great!).
  • 🎬 Letterboxd - I signed up for Letterboxd a year or so ago, but recently picked it back up and am really enjoying it. It's a social film review site/app. Of course, one can post/share ones reviews (which I'm starting to do), but my favorite part is reading the reviews of others. It's a lot more insightful and entertaining than Rotten Tomatoes. Let me know if you sign up or are already on there, I'd love to see what you all are watching and liking.
  • 🏰 Catapult Feud - This tabletop game is a recent arrival in the household and has been a hit with the whole family. Two players build their own castles out of blocks, hide soldiers in them, and then take turns using their catapults to try and destroy the other's castle and take out their soldiers. You can play as simple as that, or you can amp up the game with additional rules, powers, or even expansion sets that add more weapons and castle pieces. Shenanigans ensue!

That's it for this week– be safe everyone!

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Jamie Larson